Friday, September 13, 2013

"Shoot me if I ever go past a size 4" - The Fat Problem

I actually wrote this yesterday, but didn't get a chance to post it.  Before I do, I just want to repeat this gem I just overheard in the library:

"Why do you lick people so much?"

"I don't know, just a habit." 

Um.  Alright then.  On to the post. 

It's pretty common for people to write about how unhealthy today's beauty standards are.

"Not everyone is a size zero."

"It's not safe to be that skinny unless it's how you're naturally built."

"People are too obsessed with weight; health is what matters."

True, but problematic.  At least that last one.  I read this article the other day, and it points out that "health" is something to strive for, but it's always paired with thinness.  The well -meaning ads that promote health over weight only ever picture super thin women.  And that's a problem. 

As I was writing my lousy intro post a few days ago, I overheard some girls talking.  "Size six is way too high for anyone.  If I ever get past a size four, take me out back and shoot me," said one of them.

My initial thought upon hearing this may or may not have been, "How 'bout I just take you out back and shoot you now for that comment?  Sheer stupidity."  But then my less sarcastic, more civilized mind was just sad.  I mean sure, the girl wasn't exactly displaying even a small amount of intelligence.  But more than thinking she was ridiculous, I was just sad for her and mad at society.  Because really, size matters very little. 

Yes, there is such a thing as unhealthy size.  I know this because I've been there for a while.  I also know two other things.  One, it's up to a person to decide whether or not she cares about her weight.  Really, it's a personal choice.  (Though the fact that that health is reserved for folks with money is a societal choice and an outrage.)

Secondly, size has almost nothing to do with weight or health.  When I was in shape, playing on a sports team, and active, I was 175 pounds.  I was considered overweight.  If I really wanted to, I could have lost another ten pounds, still technically being overweight.  And size 6?  I was a size 12-14.  I could run a mile without a problem.  I wore a two piece bathing suit.  I was healthy.   And I was eight sizes above that girl's cut off point. 

Then yesterday there was a group of about eight to ten people having dinner.  (I people watch.  don't judge.)  When a guy asked his girlfriend if she wanted another piece of pizza, her friend exclaimed, "You're going to make her fat!"

I cringed at that. 

Now, you should probably care at least a little bit about what you put into your body.  But the amount of food you eat should be based on one thing: hunger.  If you are hungry, eat.  If not, don't. 

...Unless it's cheesecake.  There is always room for cheesecake. 


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