Monday, May 26, 2014

Weekling: W.3

For previous posts in this series, go here: Weeklings


This week was slightly better than last.  I felt a bit better physically, but have been exhausted pretty much every day.  (Which is also why I haven't kept up the daily mug shots.  I'll start that back up tomorrow.)  Right after the surgery, I worked my part time job because.. money.  (I couldn't work the full time because it involves a lot of driving.)  So I was in pain.  Then I was all, "You know what, I should just prioritize NOT being in pain and rest/take medicine the way I was supposed to and not work."  So that helped.  And then, like a fool, on Friday I jumped back into normal life instead of gradually getting back.  Walking and driving and talking when you haven't done it in days is not fun.  So now I'm wiped out.  But.  It was worth it.  My friend got married this weekend and it was fun.  Tiring, but nice.  Also, I caught the bouquet (well, another girl and I both caught it, but she surrendered let go right before I went to let go, so I win).  If the legend is true and the person who catches the bouquet is the next one to marry, I feel bad for all the other single ladies there because that's not likely happening any time soon.  But I digress.

My roommate and I were all, "Hey, this'd be a great time to find out how bad at taking selfies we are."  (Again, up until like, a week ago, I was NOT a selfie person.  I still wouldn't say I am, but I sometimes will participate.)

Pictures with the important people:

The groom.
The bride.

Other things.  The Monuments Men is my new movie obsession.  I love it.  I don't know that I want to read the book, but I really enjoy the movie.  I don't care what the critics on Rotten Tomatoes think.  

I went on a bit of a clothing purge this week.  A lot of people find that refreshing and liberating, I found it frustrating.  Whatever.  

Thankful for

My friends.  Also, little tv traditions.  I'm not a huge tv person (I prefer movies), but I really enjoy watching a tv show every week with the same people and the same meal.  

Books I'm reading now

Good Lord, I'm STILL working on The Twelve Tribes of Hattie, Little Women, and The Great Divorce.  I'm almost done with The Great Divorce.  And I added Divergent.  Because what else should you do when you can't finish your current list?

Best kid quotes

I was only at work two days this week, so really there's not much.  I did have a conversation with an eight year old girl that was somewhat funny?  She looked at a first grader and said, "Look how small her legs are.  I wish my legs were that small."  So, this is sad, not funny, because little girls shouldn't be fed ridiculous beauty standards.  So I faked confidence and was like, "girrrl my legs aren't small and I'm having dinner with a man tonight.  And even if I wasn't, pshhh, I like my legs.  They get me places.  And you're too young to worry about your looks OR about boys at all."  (This man I was having dinner with was not a boyfriend, but, like, she didn't know that.  Also, to put this into context, she talks to me about boys she likes a lot.)  But anyway.  The funny part.  She goes, "you're right.  I have lunch with boys in the cafeteria.  We sit in the table.  It's nice and I want to do that a lot.  It's like having a servant.  They all pick things up for you when you drop them in stuff.  You should go out with boys more often so you can have servants." Nice thinking, kid. 


I woke up this morning feeling better than I did yesterday.  That's not saying much, but I was irrational and was all like, "I feel better than yesterday!  I'm healed!"  So then I decided it would be a good idea to reorganize everything.  Papers, clothes, the closet, old office stuff, you name it.  Of course, this made the pain return and now that's what my room looks like.  Excellent!  

I did start the lamp project I mentioned last week, so that's cool. 


I'm determined to do the compost bin this week.
I'm too lazy to think of anything else right now.

Links worth looking at 

Sorry, but I'm not even giving descriptions.  And I'm only posting three links.  I know, I'm slacking.  Because bed is a thing I need to go to right now.

Why Procrastinators Procrastinate - Wait But Why
Dead broke, not dead beat - Al Jazeera
Indoor Herb Garden Ideas - Creative Juice

The end. 


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