For other posts in this series, go here: Weeklings
Week of headaches. I always have headaches, but there have been a few days this week where I've gotten sharp, stabbing headaches every 5-10 minutes or so that last for around three minutes. Swell. Luckily, I'm going to a neurologist this week. I'm so.freaking.excited.
This is how I look. All the time. |
On Friday, our fourth graders graduated. They sang a bunch of songs and it was basically an overload of Precious and Adorable.
Over.load. I don't know when I became such a wimp, but I totally teared up a few times. To congratulate them and to say goodbye, we got each of them a book.
So many books. I kind of want to read a lot of them myself, now...
I finally figured out how to build the entryway table I've been meaning to make for a while now.
Super stellar sketch of the table I have in mind. |
I was trying to think of different ways to get thin poles through all of the books and then attach the planks of wood, and since I've never really built anything, I got pretty much nowhere with that plan. But then I did a bit of research and figured out that I could mod podge the books together. I had considered that, but I was all, "yeah, but the pages! They won't be glued together! It won't work!" ...Not realizing that, duh, I could mod podge the sides of the pages. doof. Pictures and possibly a how-to coming soon.
I went to lunch with a friend this week. I ordered bbq chicken flatbread and made it through half of it before noticing that there was neither chicken nor bbq sauce on it. The fuck?
Yesterday I posted this gem of a post:
"Today is pretty much going like this..." Clearly, I was in a spectacular mood. I've got a bunch of crap going on right now.
A few weeks ago I had my gallbladder removed, and I've been doing some reading on what kind of food is best to eat if you don't have a gallbladder. It's fine to go back to a normal diet, but fatty foods should be... ahem, not frequently eaten, let's say. I've been trying to eat healthier food anyway. Still, though. The sites all said something along the lines of "thick gravies, sauces, ice cream," (and more) should not be eaten often. And I was all,
I was singing this to my cans of cream of chicken. Not really. But. |
Thankful for
Good friends.
Books I'm reading now
Yeah! Finished The Twelve Tribes of Hattie! It was
phenomenal. I think I might do a book review of both that and The Great Divorce in one post this week. Hopefully. I'm thinking that Little Women will be finished next.
Best kid quotes
The fourth graders needed to write down what they want to be when they grow up. A nine year old boy (who has been quoted in prior weeklings before) wrote, "Seal Team Six WARRIOR." I have a feeling the kid is going to grow up to become a scientist or something, but whatever. We all laughed at his response, though. Another kid wrote "Navy SEAL," but I guess we got a kick out of how detailed he was. And the fact that he said "warrior."
"Charlotte, I could totally picture you as a kid. You'd probably be really fun to hang out with, but you would probably own us in gym. Or are you only good because you're older than us now?" Nine year old boy.
I hate when men wear flip flops. I mean, I hate flip flops in general (maybe I could understand fancier-looking ones, but not the regular ones). But they especially irk me when men are wearing them.
I don't think I like plain quinoa. I made it last week in chicken broth and the juice from diced tomatoes and liked it. But yesterday I made it in water and then put some apples in it and it just didn't taste wonderful.
There are about five churches within walking distance of where we live, and every Sunday I can hear the church bells. I love it. But today I discovered that if we're sitting on the front steps, we can also hear the organ during the services. SO NICE.
Our front yard has roses blooming at the moment:
They're pink and white. This picture sucks, so I should probably take a better one tomorrow.
Still working on acquiring a dresser to paint. And I'm hoping to finish the table I mentioned above. But something I actually NEED to get done this week is coasters. I need to make coasters.
Links worth looking at
I'm going to start with the lighter stuff, and share the dark stuff at the end.
There's a Mystical Forest in Belgium All Carpeted With Bluebell Flowers - Bored Panda
Can I please live here? I'd most definitely build a little cottage and stay there forevah.
Daniel Radcliffe Sorts Celebrities into Different Hogwarts Houses - Buzzfeed
Hey Daniel, I'm happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but I'd do the best job sorting celebrities into Hogwarts Houses ever. (No but really, this was awesome, but I'd do a better job. Just saying.)
Next Time You Bully Someone, You Better Hope They're Not Related to Him - Upworthy
Okay, mostly this was just cute (though also heartbreaking..). This little girl was getting bullied, her brother asked Santa to help her, you get it. But, as though the brother being all kind and wonderful wasn't enough, the news guy asks the brother, "Would you switch places with your sister and have them bully you instead, if you could?" (or something like that) and of course, he says yes. And then the little girl goes, "You don't have to do that!" It was freaking precious. But sad, because bullying is a horrible thing. And yes, I realize I just defeated the whole point of you clicking on over to that link...
Jesse Williams Accurately Describes Why I Spent Most Of My American History Class Rolling My Eye - Upworthy
Jesse Williams is the actor with gorgeous eyes who plays Jackson Avery on Grey's Anatomy. But before he did that, he was a teacher. And a damn good one, I'd bet.
Prancersise: A Fitness Workout - Youtube
Oh my gosh, this. This is amazing. I'm making my friends do this with me.
25 Puns So Terrible They Should Be Made Illegal - Buzzfeed
It's no joke I love puns. I love them.
My shining moment was one in which I made a brilliant pun. I think my favorite in this article are the pear ones. Supear hero omg.
For Any Confused World Cup Fans, this is Absolutly Genius - tickld
I really do not care all that much about the World Cup (but I'll root for America since I'm not a traitor). But this was entertaining and a little funny.
A Fierce Girl Grows Up, Speaks Her Mind, Is Praised By World Leaders And A Comic Captures It All - Upworthy
This is Maya Angelou's poem, Phenomenal Woman, in comic form. Awesome.
Old House Dreaming - Brave in Love
Most of my friends have a list of things they want to do before "settling down." Travel is probably the most popular item on their lists. Don't get me wrong, I want to do a lot of things, and travelling is one of them, but "settling down" is higher on my own list than anything else. This post at Brave in Love is mostly the author daydreaming about farmhouses. And I am in love with alllllllll of them. I daydream about farmhouses myself, so I'm always entertained by this kind of post.
Is This the End of Teachers Unions? - Ebony
"For educators of the nation’s youth, tenure means the right to due process. That means that before a teacher can be relieved of their teaching position, they have the right to a legal process that allows them to make a defense to the charges against them." Hey, let's like, NOT buy into the anti-labor rhetoric, yes?
Detroit Water Brigade
They're turning water off for over 300,000 people. (300,000 human beings. 300,000 souls.) Privatization of water merits its own post on here, and it's no secret that I hate capitalism and this is one of the reasons, but really, the only thing I can think to say about this link is pretty much something like
you've got to be fucking kidding me.
Jason Hanna And Joe Riggs, Texas Gay Fathers, Denied Legal Parenthood Of Twin Sons - Huffington Post
I think people forget that the 14th amendment exists. Also, stop with the bs that gay parents aren't healthy for kids. The best thing for kids is having parents that want them and take care of them, regardless of whether it's two moms or two dads or one of each. Ugh.
Pennsylvania ordered its health workers to never discuss fracking - Grist
Just another example of putting profit over people. But guys, capitalism is wonderful.
More than 10,000 suicides attributed to Great Recession, study finds - Al Jazeera
See explanation for previous link.
How to Build a Powerful People's Movement - The Nation
Well at least there's some hope. "Prophetic moral vision seeks to penetrate despair, so that we can believe in and embrace new futures. It does not ask if the vision can be implemented— slaves didn’t get out of slavery by first figuring out how to get out; they got out because they were driven by a vision that said, “Oh freedom over me. / And before I’d questions of implementation are of no consequence until the vision can be imagined. The be a slave / I’d be buried in my grave / And go home to my Lord and be free.”
But really, I think we're going to see a revolution (a much needed revolution) within ten years. Because it's not okay to make people disposable in the name of a damn profit.
My oldest friend and I on our first day of school circa 2003. Yeah, we wore matching outfits on our first day of school. In junior high. In the same building. #cool #swag
Enjoy the rest of your night. :)