Friday, October 10, 2014

Goodbye, Apartment

I have to move out of my apartment soon and it's making me sad. 

There are things I definitely will not miss.  I won't miss the landlord randomly showing up.  I will not miss the person above me running in place for hours at a time.  I won't miss the moldy smell that creeps up at random times around the windows.  I definitely, definitely will not miss the freezing cold temperatures in the winter because the heat doesn't work (even though the heat bill hits $500/mo???).  I will not miss the evil squirrels.   I'm pretty sure it's haunted.  I will not miss that. 
But the good outweighs the bad on this place and I'm going to miss it.  I'm going to miss the bookshelves, even though it took me a little while to be okay with the lack of symmetry.  

I'm going to miss the gigantic windows.  I like the sunlight and the views and all, but it's also really cool because it sort of works like a clock.  When sun is coming specifically though a certain window, I know (roughly) the time of day.  

I'm going to miss living within walking distance of so many churches.  They're different denominations, but without fail, my apartment is filled with the sound of church bells and music every Sunday.  It's lovely. 

I'm going to miss the neighborhood.  It's near a huge park, it's surrounded by historic apartment buildings.  I know the block over is one I definitely could not afford to live on, but the one I DO live on has a really great working class vibe.  My neighbors are all super friendly.  (Okay, most of them are.)  There are just so many good things about the neighborhood.  It's close to two libraries.  It's close to an old school firehouse.  I'm within walking distance to so many different kinds of food places.  Mexican, Indian, Chinese, burger joint, delis and SO MANY MORE.  I like that it's diverse and there are so many different kinds of people here.  I like that there are kids riding their bikes around and old people walking dogs (or really, being walked by their dogs).  It's a breath of fresh air from the apartment I used to live in, where we didn't really encounter anyone.  It always smells good outside.  When I get home from work I'm met with the smells of everyone's dinners.  The people next door have sauce at least once a week and it always smells incredible.  The city in general is fantastic.

There's always construction going on.  That annoys most people, but I love construction.  I don't know why.  One of my neighbors is always working on old cars.  I love that.  I love brick buildings, and I get to see them through my windows every day.  I love buildings in general (architecture and urban planning and engineering stuff makes me happy) and this block is filled with interesting buildings.  I'll miss the constant smell of BBQ from people grilling on their fire escapes in the summer.  (I won't miss wondering how the people who live in the building without the escape would get out God forbid there was ever a fire.)  

There's a patio that can be filled with flowers and a fake fireplace that is great for decorating during any season.  I'll miss those.  There are quirky tiles randomly placed on walls in the bathroom that have silhouettes on them and I think they're so cool.  I guess that's something that can be replicated elsewhere, so I shouldn't get too down about that.

This apartment is in the perfect location and that's probably what I'll miss most.  I'm trying to not get too negative about leaving, but it took me a little while to feel comfortable here and there are things that I love so much about this place.    

Here's hoping that I'll be open to looking for things to love wherever I end up next. 


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