Tuesday, March 15, 2016


DOUBLE RAINBOWWWW (not mine, but it conveys my attitude at the moment)
My days have been starting off kind of rocky because I usually wake up with back pain, very tired from nights of restlessness. Today was no different, but I reached over and grabbed Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows off of the floor and read it for a good hour or two. That's a nice way to start the day. I took my sweet ass time getting dressed. (I work only a few days a week, but on my "off days" I'm extremely tired. "Work" is doing things in a greenhouse, the sun beating on me for hours, temperatures reaching into the 100s. It is not easy. I am therefore very lazy on my off days.) I shared this blog post about being a Catholic and a progressive and declared my plan to go vote for Bernie Sanders. It quickly received a ton of new views and people tweeted it and that always makes me a little uneasy - new people reading?! Will they think I'm nuts? You know, the usual thoughts. But I didn't stress about it. I got in the car and took the long way to the polling place so that I could see the pretty mountain views on my way. I complain about being in the south a lot, but I have to admit that I live in a really, really pretty area. I voted (for Bernie! I had the biggest, cheesiest smile while doing so and I didn't care one bit about the glances). My "TAX THE RICH" bumper sticker was stolen off of my car (this is how I feel about that).

I was treated to pizza for lunch. It was perfect weather. I usually bump the radio and the air conditioner in my car, but it was just so nice that I opted to roll my windows down instead. Felt great, though not the best look for my hair. I stopped at the YMCA. I joined! I'm so super stoked. I was unpleasantly surprised when they asked to take my picture right then and there - immediately regretted keeping those windows rolled down. My hair had been pulled back into a tight bun, but the wind... messed that up. I legit looked like this:

But that's okay, my mood couldn't be brought down. Today has been almost strange because of how good I felt. I was in moderate pain all day. There are things that are stressing me out. But today. Today was just nice. I don't know if it was the Harry Potter, the voting, or the YMCA. Whatever it was, can I have more of this tomorrow? And the day after? And the day after that? What's more, this doesn't feel like a little spurt of energy. Sometimes when you're depressed you'll get into these wonderful moods that last anywhere from a day to a couple of weeks. You think up grand plans, you feel on top of the world.

Today did not feel like that. It was just a good day. I figured I ought to share it here, because there's nothing people love more than reading the tiny details of another person's day.   

Am I right?

...no, probably not.

Off to read some more Harry Potter and eat some chocolate chip cookies. <3

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