Wednesday, April 6, 2016

March Into April | 2016

It's near miraculous that I'm publishing the monthly post before the new month is half way over, I know. Things have been wild. The least wild but most annoying thing was that my computer automatically updated and I have no clue how to upload my pictures now. So instead of painfully cute pictures of babies in Easter dresses or photos of my brand new bed, it's free stock photos until I figure it out! Woo! 

I just wrote an update on my medical sitch yesterday - that was the main event of the month, and it derailed a lot of my plans. It also set me back on some of my reading/writing/exercising goals (I am the little dog in this scenario), but.. life goes on. Thankfully.

Speaking of my exercise plans... I signed up for the Y. I've already mentioned that. But two days after my discharge from the hospital, they called and said I should meet with a coach to get a tour. I checked with my doctors to make sure I wasn't going to accidentally kill myself if I work out and then I went in to make an appointment with a coach. Well the day arrives, I'm in more pain than any other day since leaving the hospital, but I decide to go. The bad thing about having depression for years is that you have depression for years. The good thing is that you really start to know yourself and your habits. I knew that if I cancelled the appointment, even though it would have been totally acceptable, I would end up never going back. So I went to the appointment. I mostly assumed it was going to just be a tour.. and not an hour and a half long work-out.

LOL. Ask me 'bout my liver pain after.

But I did it and I did not die and I'm fine and I feel mentally good about it. So there's that. I'm hoping to go back tomorrow, despite some flaring up of pain today. (I've also been feeling a little dizzy and lightheaded, so let's hope a fever is not on the horizon - aside from missing out on the Y, that also means an ER trip. No thanks!)

I'm a slacker and wrote that top half of the post, like, three days ago and never finished. Since then I've gone to the Y (lol almost died almost died but didn't die, didn't die) AND I've figured out (sort of) how to import my photos. Aforementioned cute (and suspicious?) baby:

Swooooooooon. And new bed:

Another swoon, yes? I live with family so my bedroom is basically a hodgepodge of different kinds of furniture. The bed and the shelf/cabinet are mine... but the shelf isn't meant for a bedroom. It definitely looks out of place, but I love it and I look forward to putting it in an apartment one day. It's odd living in a bedroom but still having other people's style in it - the dressers, some of the pictures on the walls. But the new bed and curtains have got me <3 <3 I'm much happier now that there's a little bit of my own personality in the room.

So yes, those were the main things this month: hospital, family for Easter, new bed, and trying to make a habit of going to the Y. I'm still working in the greenhouse part time, and I'm pretty sure it's helping me lose weight because it gets well over 100 degrees in there. Sweating the pounds off.

April may be less productive since I'll likely be at the hospital in Charleston for a couple of days - and I'm not sure what they're even doing, so I don't know yet if there's a recovery or not. It's a little overwhelming so I'm trying not to think about it much until I know more details.

I'm keeping my expectations kind of low this month because I know it's going to be dominated by the medical stuff, but I did manage to throw together some goals:

1. Go to the Y at least four times a week (eventually I want to go five days a week).

2. Go to Asheville to ask about taking classes.

3. Read six books (I'm behind, but not so far that I can't still reach my goal of 60 books this year).

4. Review at least five books on Filthy Casket.

5. Save at least $200 (this is hard because I have usually around $100 a week in medical bills LOLOLOL).

6. Talk to Stephanie about a Chapel Hill trip.

7. Try at least five new, healthy recipes.

8. Lose ten pounds.

I think that's enough to be getting on with. :)

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