Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Man Chronicles: Matt and Jay

Welcome to The Man Chronicles, a series at THL.  Or more accurately, an "occasional series" because my dating life is very Miranda Hobbes circa her panic attack aka sources for post subjects are scarce.  I really get my flirt on with the Chinese food guy, though.   

Series motto (for now!), methinks: "Do any of you have a completely unremarkable friend or maybe a houseplant I could go to dinner with on Saturday night?"

Check out the first installment over here

I regret even saying I was going to include Matt and Jay in this, because... 6 years ago.  I can look back on Matt and laugh, but memories of Jay give me mixed feelings.  My initial reason for including them was that they give little glimpses into juuust how bad I am at navigating things.  Some people might get better at things over the course of six years, but in my case, the awkwardness of 18 year old Charlotte was but a precursor of things to come. 

All that said, this post is kind of short and boring.  (But I'm going to publish another [unrelated to tmc] post later.  So there's that.) 

I had known both Matt and Jay for a while.  One was a cousin of a friend and the other was a friend of a friend.  Both were a little older than me.  When we hit around 16-17, we all fell into the same group of friends.  At some point, crushes started forming in said group.  

Which may or may not have led to sitting on the couch one day, awkwardly reaching for the remote so that - wow, would you look at that, our arms are in prime position for hand-holding.  

That's what Matt was.  Several months of awkwardly trying to show affection toward each other without letting anyone else see.  Looking back now I'll say it was cutesy but it was also weird.  Also I can attest to the fact that my inability to show any sort of public affection hasn't changed.  

(I suppose it wouldn't be fair to not give a description of Matt.  He was around my height, white, with curly dark hair.  He didn't have any then, but I saw him a few years after and he's since developed verynice facial hair.  He was soft spoken but kind of funny and if I remember correctly he was into music.) 

Annnnd Jay.  The more I think about it, the more I feel like he was creepy as hell.  But first a brief description: tall, tan, dark short hair, muscular, and I don't know anything about his personality.  So.  Yeah that crush was all substance and not at all about looks.  Nope. 

Yeah so the flirting went on for a tiny while, and then one night at a party-turned sleepover I basically woke up to him attempting to make a move.  I'm all for guys making the first move.  But I'm not all for it when I'm not awake.  I left and haven't seen him since, though he'd sent me a few messages after and I hadn't responded to any.  He recently said happy birthday and alluded to that night and mentioned wanting to do it again... and just.  No.  I'm glad I don't need to see him.

So yes.  The two most boring stories in the whole thing.  

Next up: Michael, who will be much more interesting to write about/read about.  Promise. 


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