Friday, January 8, 2016

Connect those Dots

In October (or maybe late September? I can't even remember...) I needed to spend a few days in the hospital. On the day of my discharge, I noticed these weird dots on my arm. They'd never been there before. I assumed they were probably from getting the tape that had been holding the IV in place ripped off of my arm and ignored it. 

Then a week passed. Then two. Fast forward a few months and I still have these weird dots. My doctor doesn't know what they are. They don't hurt, they don't itch. I don't like them, but they aren't causing a problem, either. I still find it extremely odd, of course. And now and then I'll get paranoid, as I got these while in the hospital. Eek

So as I try different creams and debate whether or not I should see a dermatologist, I've also been thinking that maybe, just maybe, these are a sign. Possibly (probably) God telling me that I need to get a particular Harry Potter tattoo. 

Do you see where I'm going? If you love Harry Potter you probably see where I'm going. 

It's not perfect, but look: 

Like I said, not perfect. BUT COME ON. I've been saying I need/want a Harry Potter tattoo for quite some time. Maybe this is just the nudge I needed. 

Time will tell. 

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