Friday, April 10, 2015

Let's go to the movies

I love movies probably more than anyone should love movies.  That said, I'm not a movie expert.  I don't know the names of most actors and actresses, I haven't watched all of the classics, and let's not even talk about directors and their styles because I know none of that.  Also, I'm very easy to please movie-wise.  I recognize a great movie when I'm watching one, but I can watch a "bad" movie and enjoy it.  My friends will attest to this, as I'm often the only one of them who leaves the theater happy.  Stop Loss?  Enjoyed it.  The Wedding Ringer?  Enjoyed that too.  I even sat through Adam Sandler's Jack and Jill and didn't die.  I don't expect a masterpiece every time I watch a movie and so if it completes the very basic task of entertaining me, I'm good, thumbs up.  It's like the equivalent of reading and enjoying a Nicholas Sparks book.  I know it's cheap entertainment but I might as well enjoy it while I'm here. 

However, the "cheap entertainment" movies don't usually fall onto my list of favorites.  I'm sure I'll forget to include at least one but off the top of my head, these are the movies I love: 

1. Good Will Hunting

Who doesn't, really?  This movie has everything a person can want from a film.  Humor, friendships, dream-following, good lighting, heart warming relationships (romantic, friendly, ....mentor-ly?).  And it's very well written and very well made.

2. Singing in the Rain

Swoon.  I love the whole story and music and the acting and the glamour of it all, but really, the dancing alone makes watching it a fantastic experience every time.  When I lived in Albany, I'd put this on every time it rained because I'm that kind of loony.  

3. Les Mis

My love for this one knows no boundaries.  This is one of those movies that I never tire of watching.  Sometimes I sit down and watch it mindfully and sometimes I throw it on as I do other things like write or clean and either way, I love it.  It's got revolution!  It's got Jesus!  It's beautiful and it's got Hugh Jackman in it and the singing is terrific and the acting is terrific and, and, and.  

4. Lord of the Rings 

Especially The Fellowship of the Ring.  I watch these movies probably about nine or ten times a year, likely qualifying it as a sickness, but no shame.  These movies are my jam.  The themes are wonderful, the scenery is wonderful, everything is wonderful.  And if I watch them before going to bed, I have dreams that I'm off on adventures, so there's that, too.  What more can a movie offer?

5. About Time

This movie is about Bill Weasley, time traveler.  That alone makes me love it buuuut it's also very sweet and precious and gets all of the emotions and feelings and I like the sound track and I'm slightly obsessed with Rachel McAdams.  I watch this pretty frequently.  (Not LOTR frequent, but let's just say I can probably quote most of the lines.) 

6. My Fair Lady/Funny Face

When I first decided to right the wrongs of my childhood and introduce myself to the classics, I turned to Audrey Hepburn.  (Cliche!)  I haven't seen all of her movies, but I've watched quite a few.  I won't go so far as to say I love her quite the way many people do, and I didn't like everything of hers I did see.  (Hated Breakfast at Tiffany's.)  But I do love My Fair Lady and Funny Face.  (Apparently they're tied for me...)  They're both so fun and I love watching the dancing (as you could probably guess from #2 up there).  I always feel a little fabulous after watching old school musicals.  

After reviewing this, I'd say I've got half-basic taste.  Probably 80% of people would name numbers 2 and 6 as their favorites, but I think my love of About Time and the others balances things out a bit, giving me a somewhat (yes?) well-rounded taste.  

Got any favorites? 


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