Saturday, May 10, 2014

Weekling: W.1

So, a few of the blogs I read do this thing every weekend where they write a post about things that happened that week, exciting things that WILL happen the next week, favorite links, things they're thankful for, ideas, etc.  I thought it might be fun, so I hopped on that train.  Yes I did. 

Here goes!  Weekling: W.1


Guys, this week was a mix.  I was sulking around for most of the week.  I'm really glad I finally have health insurance, but not having it for several years really screws a person up.  So now I'm dealing with all these health issues AT ONCE, and it's really kind of miserable.  Don't get me wrong.  I am so, so happy that I'm finally able to take care of this stuff, because being in physical pain literally every day is awful.  But needing to get blood drawn three days in a week?  And passing out while doing so?  Not so fun.  Not so fun at all.  So I spent most of the week sad, tired, and bummed out.

Blood work?  Again?!?!
But, like I said, there were a few good things.  Tuesday was my birthday, and it was a ton of fun having a bunch of my friends together for dinner.  Joining two different groups of friends can go one of two ways, and I think this was good.  

A part time job opened up at a place where I'd love to work.  I already have a job, but this would be something that would allow me to do actual Good things.  Also, there aren't a ton of things I'm great at in life, but the few things I am good at would be put to good use here.  I don't know that I'll get the job, but just thinking about what it would be like made me a happy camper. 

One of my favorite friends came home this week, so of course that was a high point.  

I finally sat down and watched Delivery Man and I laughed so many times. It isn't exactly hard to make me laugh (My bar for comedy is pretty average; I thought Adam Sandler's Jack and Jill was stupid, but I have no shame admitting that I thoroughly enjoyed We're the Millers.), but I thought there were a lot of hilarious lines: 

"I think of you like a son." 
"I am your son..." 
"I know.  That's why I think of you like a son."  
(I told you I laugh easily.)

(Real quick - I don't like abortion and lean more towards the pro-life side though I wouldn't identify myself as part of that group.  And I know in real life abortion is not a laughing matter, but in this fictional movie, this line was funny.)

"You have to talk her into getting an abortion." 
"What?  No!  And how could you say that in front of your kids?"
"My kids know they're too old to be aborted."

Thankful for

My friend Stephanie, for being my pen pal.  (More on this later.) 
Health insurance. 

Books I'm reading now

The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis - I tend to really enjoy Lewis and think I am going to have to read the Narnia books next.  We'll see.  I was told to read The Great Divorce because I really liked Dante's Inferno, and so far, I'm glad I took the advice. 

The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis - I'm not very far into this book (I've been distracted), but I'm enjoying it.  The story is interesting, but really, what gets me is the writing.  Oh my gosh the writing is so good.  I wish I could write like Mathis does.  Check this imagery out: 

"Hattie clambered from the train, her skirt still hemmed with Georgia mud, the dream of Philadelphia round as a marble in her mouth and the fear of it a needle in her chest."


Best Kid Quotes - I work part time with kids, and they're hilarious.  

"Yeah, my eyelashes are long.  It's annoying because they hit my sunglasses, but that's okay because it attracts the girls." 
-nine year old boy

"Write one thing you are good at or like about yourself."
"I'm adorable." 
-seven year old girl 


As I write this, there is a festival of sorts going on in the park behind my building.  It's loud.  And there are cars EVERYWHERE.  So many cars, so little parking.

This is the first Saturday in three weeks that I'm not hunched over in pain.  I have headaches every day, and usually at least 7-8 times a week they get to the point where I need to lay down and close my eyes.  I'm not allowed to take ibuprofen anymore because of some medical stuff, so now I just deal with it.  The last two Saturdays the headaches were absurd and I was terrified that today would be the same.  Thank God it isn't.

This is my new favorite outfit:

I don't remember the last time I took a picture of myself... I'm not a selfie person.  I'm not the most confident person in the world and I'm awkward and as you can see from that picture, I don't know how to (or really care to) pose.  Oh well.  I usually can't find comfortable clothes, but this outfit fits PERFECTLY.  I'm not talking looks, I'm talking comfort.  Fits so nice.  Added bonus is that I think it looks alright, too.  So naturally I decided to wear it on a day that I'm not leaving the house... shmaaaart. 


Can we just talk about how rad both of these projects are?  My friends and I throw DIY ideas around often, and I love both of these. 

The first one really does look very easy and I think the end result is pretty cool.  I imagine it wouldn't cost much, either. 

The second one is awesome.  Pictures make all the difference, and DIY is cheaper and more sentimental than a lot of the art you can buy.  I'm particularly fond of those framed keys - I think I might do that soon.  Like now.  

Links worth looking at 

These weren't necessarily written/posted this week, but it's stuff I've come across this week.  Some sad, some happy, some hilarious.  

I know I'm not the only one of my friends who isn't overjoyed when Mother's Day comes around every year.  Of course, this post doesn't encompass every difficult situation or relationship, but it gets to the point.

My twenty and thirty-something friends, read this.  Nod in agreement.  Sulk in despair.  Then smile at the fact that you are not alone. 

Ah, nothing like appreciating the unappreciated.  Yay Teacher Appreciation Week.  

Some fun GIFs corresponding to important environmental news. 

Trains crash, we blame the workers instead of the bosses who tell them to work way too many hours without sleep.  Trains carrying oil explode and kill or endanger people and communities, and no one gets punished, even though the bosses refuse to enforce safety because it's "too costly."  Dudes, capitalism doesn't care about human life, the earth, or Goodness.  Just money.   

This is probably my favorite of the bunch.  Education policy in this country sucks.  This article doesn't address every problem with education nationwide, but I think it talks about the biggest problem.  Education should let kids explore, learn about the world, and create.  It should let them grow in whatever special way they were meant to.  If a kid is great at music, our education system should honor that and help foster that kid's passion.  It shouldn't just be about money.  This post is Catholic-heavy (it's written by a Catholic for a largely Catholic audience), but I think everyone can appreciate its message.

Struggling Through the Transitions - Pray for Ben Sauer
This little boy was diagnosed with cancer when doctors discovered an aggressive brain tumor.  If you're someone who prays, pray for him. 

I laughed and laughed and laughed at this.  I've watched it more times than I care to admit.  It's Jimmy Fallon interviewing "Harry Styles."  Kristen Wiig is wonderful and I have a huge crush on Jimmy Fallon.  Watch it.

Jessica Meets Vanessa - Youtube
This is super old, but it's adorable x infinity.

Unrelated photo of Harry Potter stamps.  Because everyone loves Harry Potter stamps, right?
Bible action

"Better to be poor and honest than rich and dishonest."

Oh, it's Mother's Day?

I think that's about it.  Enjoy your Sunday. :) 
If you ever want to contact me, you can email me at fortyeightandme(at)gmail(dot)com.  


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