Thursday, October 15, 2015

24 Random Facts About Me

  1. I'm already regretting my decision to write a post of 24 random facts.
  2. While driving yesterday, a chicken was in the middle of the street, freshly escaped from its coop. Of course I had to verbally utter, "Why did the chicken cross the road??"
  3. I have a decent sense of humor, but I often ruin it with corny jokes. 
  4. I'm just slightly obsessed with trains. 
  5. My best friend's brother and cousin covered one of my eyes with a toothpaste-lotion-soap-glue mixture they made when I slept over one night. It was painful and...
  6. I literally slept with one eye open, as the other was stuck shut.
  7. I loathe intentional walks. (If you don't watch baseball, you can disregard that. ;) 
  8. The only big concert I've ever been to was a Jonas Brothers concert. 
  9. I got into a fight in second grade because this bitch tried telling us all that Santa wasn't real.
  10. Picking a favorite food is an impossible task.
  11. I have a single strand of shiny white/gray hair. 
  12. I want to have a big family.
  13. Charlotte's Web was the bane of my existence for the first 13 years of life. 
  14. I'm exaggerating slightly. It was a little annoying though. 
  15. I let my friends help pick out my confirmation saint. ...Turns out there is no Saint Cassandra. 
  16. Sunsets may or may not result in crying/shrieking from me. 
  17. I love the rain.
  18. I'm very much in favor of the Oxford comma. 
  19. I have strong feelings about which of the Harry Potter movies were best (Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets - I wish Chris Columbus had directed all of the movies).
  20. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
  21. I think know dogs > cats. (But cats > other household pets that aren't dogs.)
  22. I'm in love with a man nearly twice my age.
  23. Just kidding, I only sort of like a guy, and he's my age. #square
  24. I want to do this one day.
Bonus: I'm currently watching the Mets/Dodgers game and sort of wishing that everyone had the Yankees' dress code that requires clean hair cuts...

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